FavIcon from Pics -- free favicon.ico for your website (animated, static and marquee icons)

FavIcon from Pics -- free favicon.ico for your website (animated, static and marquee icons)
Titre: FavIcon from Pics -- free favicon.ico for your website (animated, static and marquee icons)
Url: www.html-kit.com
Description: Free and easy to use online tool for creating favicons (.ico, animated, marquee and static) for browser address bars, favorites and tabs, from pictures, logos and other graphics.
Hits: 2
Notes: 0.0/5 pour 0 notes
Date de validation: 14-12-2008
Catégorie: Annuaire > Informatique > Internet > Astuces
PageRank 5
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Thématique proche de FavIcon from Pics -- free favicon.ico for your website (animated, static and marquee icons)

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