Dynamic Drive- FavIcon Generator

Dynamic Drive- FavIcon Generator
Titre: Dynamic Drive- FavIcon Generator
Url: tools.dynamicdrive.com
Description: Use this online tool to easily create a favorites icon (favicon) for your site. Capable of generating desktop icons as well.
Hits: 1
Notes: 0.0/5 pour 0 notes
Date de validation: 14-12-2008
Catégorie: Annuaire > Informatique > Internet > Astuces
PageRank 5
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Thématique proche de Dynamic Drive- FavIcon Generator

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Upload images, crop them, and create favicons for free!
Copyright Loic Leborgne 2008 Propulsé par Arfooo Annuaire © 2007 - 2008    Generated in 0.117 Queries: 7